About me

Electronics engineering student have good knowledge of Arduino programming using PORT register control, Analog and digital electronics, PCB designing, Circuit making and Soldering, designing OpAmp based sensors designing, making projects from scratch.

Digambar Sharma


Digambar Sharma

about 3 years ago
  • Student
  • India
Project - Arduino based digital smart watch | in Microcontrollers

This project is made of Arduino NANO, MAX7219 IC, DS3231 RTC module, 74HC04 IC, 16x2 LCD i2C display, TSOP 2818 IR receiver, IR remote, buzzer, LDR, DHT11 temperature sensor, 60 3mm blue LEDs, 130 3mm RG LEDs, LM7805, 2x( 100uF and 0.1uF ).The main features of this project is to display and contr... view more

Digambar Sharma

about 4 years ago
  • Student
  • India

Working on digital watch that will look like something a combination of analog and digital watch. This project will highlight you about controlling the shift register and how I changed my whole Arduino code into PORT Register control when there was so much lag during printing the numbers on 7-Seg display. I have made a 2D design first on illustrator and then made 7-Seg display my self.. I will upload my project soon.

Digambar Sharma

about 4 years ago
  • Student
  • India
Project - RGB Strip PWM Controller using an Arduino with Potentiometer and Bluetooth | in Arduino

To control the RGB strip light is not so easy task, but not so hard too. It requires a sufficient amount of current to turn it on properly. Here it drains the total of 1.2A current measured with a multimeter. The main problem arises when you want to control it using an Arduino and to obtain delig... view more