About me

Engineering student

Shabu Kajla


Shabu Kajla

about 4 years ago
  • Student
  • India
Project - Arduino based motorcycle modification biometric sensor | in Arduino

This motorcycle modification is done using Arduino which includesBiometric sensor for ignition switchGear counterRpm meterSpeedometerFuel tank capacity indicatorBattery voltage indicatorSide stand indicatorEtc. This modification is done to utilise my time in COVID-19 LOCKDOWN and learning somethi... view more

Shabu Kajla

about 5 years ago
  • Student
  • India
Project - Bluetooth based smart helmet | in Basic Circuits

It is a bluetooth enabled helmet which offer quite good and intresting features such as can listen music while riding a bike and make a call with out really taking mobile phone in hand just with the bottons on the helmet itself and it is having a LPF which will give you amazing feeling while list... view more